I'm setting up a Magento 2.1.3 site, first time using M2.

I'm having issues setting up my crontab to re-index etc., looking online it seems that it is a fairly common problem although all of the obvious fixes I found online did not work for me.

Info: Dedicated Server, OS CentOS 6.9, Plesk Onyx 17.0.17

PHP CLI: 5.4.45, Plesk Set PHP: 7.0.18

I've setup the cron info following the DevDocs as seen: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/config-guide/cli/config-cli-subcommands-cron.html#config-cli-cron-bkg

However this of course did not work, so delving deeper into it, I then tried manually running the cron job such as:

./magento indexer:reindex

And I get a PHP Parse error:

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/ts_store/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php on line 411

Upon searching, the only issues I can find similar relating to the PHP Parse error are people struggling to install M2 and have been no help for me.

Is anyone able to suggest anything to help?


I am now running PHP 5.6 CLI. However I am still experiencing issues, If I force the reindex using: ./magento indexer:reindex The reindex works, however when I setup the cron its not working and I get an undelivered email with an error station permission denied:

/bin/sh: /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/ts_store/var/log/setup.cron.log: Permission denied

1 Answer 1


Please use higher PHP version CLI in command line. You can ask hosting support regarding how to use that higher version CLI in commmand line.

  • I am now running PHP 5.6 CLI. However I am still experiencing issues, If I force the reindex using: ./magento indexer:reindex The reindex works, however when I setup the cron its not working and I get an undelivered email with an error station permission denied: /bin/sh: /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/ts_store/var/log/setup.cron.log: Permission denied
    – Jizzy
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 23:05

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