I just upgrade Magento to 1.8.1 version, and have problem with my shipping and payment method. In my previous 1.6.2 version i used to use this modules:

  • CashOnDelivery
  • Auctionmaid_Matrxrate
  • Mymonki_Ship2pay

On 1.8.1 the only working ext is Auctionmaid_Matrxrate.

Is there any modules who can do that:


  • Multiple Table Rates
  • Store pickup
  • Free delivery


  • Bank transfer
  • No option (if someone want to pick the product from store)
  • Cash on delivery

Now the only shipping and payment things I have are: multi table rate, free delivery and bank transfer

1 Answer 1


The Matrixrates module should meet your requirements for all of your shipping options.

For the payment options, you could use the existing Magento payment options such as check and rename it. Or you could make your own simple payment method. There are a couple of tutorials around...

http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/how-to-create-magento-payment-module/ http://excellencemagentoblog.com/magento-create-custom-payment-method

  • It is a good idea to use Matrixrates for all shipping method, but how to hide payment method if someone want to pick the product from store?
    – Adrian
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 11:22
  • I would suggest something like: magestore.com/magento-store-pickup-extension.html Store pickup has some other requirements that should be addressed, such as store address etc. If its a simple version follow the inchoo.net/magento/custom-shipping-method-in-magento tutorial, and you should be able to create a no cost, store pickup Shipping method.
    – Aepod
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 16:54

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