We are developing a hybrid app where the front end is react native and the backend is magento 2.1.4 and the frontend and backend are communicating via REST APIs
The offering is across 3 countries. Starting with country A then B then C. each country might have different payment gateways to support them. For instance payment gateways X might work for country A and B but not C.
Now also each country might have different shipping rules. For instance we might limit shipping in country A to just 2 cities in it. Country B we might ship to all cities. We might offer free shipping in country A but for country B and C offer free shipping for orders above $100.
Lastly , some products will only be sold in country A and not B and C.
We want users to be able to move between countries.
The question is that can this setup work with one website , 3 stores per country , and two language storefronts per store, or do I have to create a website for each country to meet the needs listed above?
Thanks for engaging with this question.