I am developing a new Magento 2 theme based on Magento Blank parent. I am trying to move the footer-container outside the page-wrapper container. To do so I inserted in my app/design/frontend/custom/theme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml the following instruction:

<move element="footer" destination="root" after="-" />

The footer content is correctly moved outside the page-wrapper container but it is not wrapped anymore in the footer tag. What I get is:

<div class="page-wrapper">...</div>
<div class="footer content">...</div>

What I expected was

<div class="page-wrapper">...</div>
<footer class="page-footer">
    <div class="footer content">...</div>

What should I do to keep the footer tag? Should I redeclare a new container with htmlTag="footer" in my default.xml and move the footer element inside it?

3 Answers 3


You need to reference the container by its name not its alias. The footer element you're looking for is declared in Magento/Theme/view/frontend/page_layout/1column.xml and has a name of footer-container. Changing your layout XML to the following should fix the issue:

<move element="footer-container" destination="root" after="-" />

Right now what you're doing is moving the child element with the name footer outside of footer-container. Since the footer-container no longer has any children the <footer> doesn't get rendered and you only see the child element you moved.

  • I tried your solution, but the footer still disappears.
    – giani.sim
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:54

Please use this code :

<footer class="page-footer">
       <move element="footer" destination="root" after="-" />

Instead of:

 <move element="footer" destination="root" after="-" />
  • I can't see your code
    – giani.sim
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:25
  • You can use this code. Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:31
  • In this way all the footer content goes away, the div with class "footer content" disappears
    – giani.sim
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:57
  • I use it inmy project & its showing after "maincontent" class Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:59
  • after main content section <footer> section is created inside <div class="page-wrapper">...</div> Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 11:03

The only thing that worked for me it has been redefining a new footer container in the default.xml file and move the footer content inside it:

    <container name="footer-container" as="footer" before="before.body.end" label="Page Footer Container" htmlTag="footer" htmlClass="page-footer"/>
    <move element="footer" destination="footer-container" before="-"/>

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