I need to execute my observer just after an actionController end or when paymentMethod is saved on database.
1 Answer
You can just use controller_action_postdispatch_<router_name>_<controller_name>_<action_name>
formula to derive the event name. You can also do this for predispatch aswell (Just replace postdispatch
with predispatch
Core Example:
Observing Magento Checkout Onepage controller saveOrderAction on the Paypal module:
<router_name>: checkout
<controller_name>: onepage
<action_name>: saveOrder
Using the previous formula to create the event name to observe we finally end up with:
Derived event name for our controller action method:
Then in the etc/config.xml
Getting the controller action in the Observer class:
* @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
public function setResponseAfterSaveOrder(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
/* @var $controller Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action */
$controller = $observer->getEvent()->getData('controller_action');
// Do stuff here
1When controller is not Mage, Router Name should include extension vendor. Eg. IWD_Opc_JsonController should be "controller_action_postdispatch_iwd_opc_json_saveBillingAddress" not as implied "controller_action_postdispatch_opc_json_saveBillingAddress" Commented Aug 1, 2018 at 15:51