I installed magento using composer:
composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition
and load sample data. It works pretty fine on localhost.
I created dockerfile and docker-compose for magento: Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get -qqy update
RUN apt-get -qqy install apache2 \
php \
mysql-client \
libapache2-mod-php \
php-pear \
php-mcrypt \
php-gd \
php-curl \
php-mysql \
php-dom \
php-xml \
php-xsl \
php-mbstring \
php-intl \
php-zip \
php-cli \
php-cgi \
curl \
git \
nano \
vim \
RUN apt-get -qqy install nodejs npm
RUN apt-get -qqy install php-fpm
RUN curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
ADD ./20-mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini
ADD ./20-mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.0/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini
RUN a2enmod rewrite
COPY ./magento2.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/magento2.conf
#RUN rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
#COPY xdebug-enabler.ini /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/
RUN php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit').PHP_EOL;"
COPY ./apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
RUN a2enmod php7.0
RUN service apache2 restart
WORKDIR /var/www/html
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ServerName magento2test.localhost
<Directory /var/www/html>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
# The accept serialization lock file MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL DISK.
Mutex file:${APACHE_LOCK_DIR} default
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 5
HostnameLookups Off
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
LogLevel warn
# Include module configuration:
IncludeOptional mods-enabled/*.load
IncludeOptional mods-enabled/*.conf
# Include list of ports to listen on
Include ports.conf
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all denied
<Directory /usr/share>
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/>
Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Multiviews
allowOverride all
Require all granted
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm
AccessFileName .htaccess
<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Require all denied
LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
IncludeOptional conf-enabled/*.conf
IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf
and finaly docker-compose:
build: docker-files/apache-xdebug
command: rm -f /var/run/apache2/apache2.pid
command: apachectl -D FOREGROUND
- "8081:8081"
- "80:80"
- "9001:9001"
- "443:443"
- ./project/:/var/www/html/
Now it is only one image cause im using remote mysql and I will add more images later.
Anyway I'm able to build and up docker. I'm able to install and setup magento. Of course I tried flush all cache, and done all of those comands (using docker exec -it container_name bash:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
php bin/magento module:enable --all
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
But style.css and some js are not loading property:
[2016-11-17 07:27:39] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2ae0e2a835d549823c9720ea0833000d3 and handles default, catalog_category_view, catalog_category_view_type_default, catalog_category_view_type_default_without_children, catalog_category_view_id_39: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-11-17 07:27:39] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_2a7ccd8094436548b564a588f6303121c and handles 2columns-left: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
[2016-11-17 07:27:40] main.INFO: Cache file with merged layout: LAYOUT_frontend_STORE1_26f1b068ec7ccf4878f9284dd1137afd1 and handles catalog_product_prices: Please correct the XML data and try again. [] []
Do You have any ideas hot can I fix it?