I have a custom design called mydesign
and a custom extension (My_Testmodule
if i create the following block in my own module:
class My_Testmodule_Block_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Options_Type_Test extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Options_Type_Abstract {
public function __construct() {
where should the template be located?
should it be in
- app/design/adminhtml/mydesign/default/template/testmodule/catalog/product/...
- app/design/frontend/mydesign/default/template/testmodule/catalog/product/...
- or somewhere else?
i thought it should be in adminhtml/...
but it doesn't seems to be called. The Block is definitly beeing called, if i echo something in constructor it will be printed on screen. But the template seems to be ignored.
Please help me, im struggeling arround with it since hours.