I have a custom design called mydesign and a custom extension (My_Testmodule).

if i create the following block in my own module:

class My_Testmodule_Block_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Options_Type_Test extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Options_Type_Abstract {

    public function __construct() {


where should the template be located?

should it be in

  • app/design/adminhtml/mydesign/default/template/testmodule/catalog/product/...
  • app/design/frontend/mydesign/default/template/testmodule/catalog/product/...
  • or somewhere else?

i thought it should be in adminhtml/... but it doesn't seems to be called. The Block is definitly beeing called, if i echo something in constructor it will be printed on screen. But the template seems to be ignored.

Please help me, im struggeling arround with it since hours.

1 Answer 1


By default Magento does not offer a package/theme setting for the admin section and it uses default/default

Placing your template into
app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/mydesign/catalog/product/edit/options/type/test.phtml should do the trick.

Theme fallback also works so you can use
as well, but I haven't seen base used widely for admin themes yet.

Further reading
If you want to be able to use a custom admin theme (app/design/adminhtml/mydesign/default/) please see this blog post outlining different options.

  • in general i do not want to use a custom admin theme at this time. What i want to do is to create an extension with a custom product options type. This requires some new Blocks in admin section. So i have learned that we should not change the magento code to be able to update magento and to have a clean structure. If i place the template in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/... isn't it a modification of magentos source files? What happens if i upgrade to a new magento version?
    – steven
    Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 5:34
  • To avoid any issues I would suggest keeping your templates in their own subfolder named after your company/namespace. So unless someone else is using the very same name you are fine. And of course overwriting any existing files is a no go. This approach works across updates since you are not editing any existing Magento core files. Commented Feb 1, 2014 at 0:00

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