How to add a custom template just after body tag in adminhtml in magento?
All working fine if I am trying to add custom template in head but failing if I am doing the same to include custom template in body of adminhtml page.
Here is my code for adminhtml layout file:
<reference name="after_body_start">
<block type="adminhtml/template" template="gtm/after_body_start.phtml" name="after_body_start_script" as="after_body_start_script"/>
Here is my code for the file present at app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/gtm/after_body_tag.phtml
Mage::log('control coming here', null, 'custom_log_file.log');
If the control logs in my custom log file, It will work for the code I will write in it but I cannot see the log file updating.
It seems that either I am using wrong reference for adminhtml to include a custom template after body start or I am missing to include the block to be included somewhere!
Please guide me to get this done!