this is array var_dump($address->getData()); return in collect
array (size=86)
'address_id' => string '239' (length=3)
'quote_id' => string '119' (length=3)
'created_at' => string '2016-09-01 13:47:26' (length=19)
'updated_at' => string '2016-09-01 16:17:42' (length=19)
'customer_id' => null
'save_in_address_book' => string '0' (length=1)
'customer_address_id' => null
'address_type' => string 'billing' (length=7)
'email' => null
'prefix' => null
'firstname' => null
'middlename' => null
'lastname' => null
'suffix' => null
'company' => null
'street' => null
'city' => null
'region' => null
'region_id' => null
'postcode' => null
'country_id' => null
'telephone' => null
'fax' => null
'same_as_billing' => string '0' (length=1)
'free_shipping' => string '0' (length=1)
'collect_shipping_rates' => string '0' (length=1)
'shipping_method' => null
'shipping_description' => null
'weight' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'subtotal' => int 0
'base_subtotal' => int 0
'subtotal_with_discount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_subtotal_with_discount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'shipping_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_shipping_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'shipping_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_shipping_tax_amount' => int 0
'discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'grand_total' => int 0
'base_grand_total' => int 0
'customer_notes' => null
'applied_taxes' => string 'a:0:{}' (length=6)
'discount_description' => null
'shipping_discount_amount' => null
'base_shipping_discount_amount' => null
'subtotal_incl_tax' => int 0
'base_subtotal_total_incl_tax' => null
'hidden_tax_amount' => null
'base_hidden_tax_amount' => null
'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => null
'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => null
'shipping_incl_tax' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_shipping_incl_tax' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'vat_id' => null
'vat_is_valid' => null
'vat_request_id' => null
'vat_request_date' => null
'vat_request_success' => null
'gift_message_id' => null
'extra_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_extra_tax_amount' => int 0
'recurring_initial_fee_amount' => int 0
'base_recurring_initial_fee_amount' => int 0
'cached_items_all' =>
array (size=0)
'cached_items_nominal' =>
array (size=0)
'cached_items_nonnominal' =>
array (size=0)
'recurring_trial_payment_amount' => int 0
'base_recurring_trial_payment_amount' => int 0
'nominal_subtotal_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_subtotal_amount' => int 0
'total_qty' => int 0
'base_virtual_amount' => int 0
'virtual_amount' => int 0
'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => int 0
'nominal_discount_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_discount_amount' => int 0
'applied_rule_ids' => string '' (length=0)
'nominal_weee_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_weee_amount' => int 0
'nominal_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_tax_amount' => int 0
'msrp_amount' => int 0
'base_msrp_amount' => int 0
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) {
if ($address->getAddressType() != 'shipping') {
return $this;
echo var_dump($address->getData()); die(); // it will show 00 the total is not set
return $this;
here is fetch result
array (size=104)
'address_id' => string '240' (length=3)
'quote_id' => string '119' (length=3)
'created_at' => string '2016-09-01 13:47:26' (length=19)
'updated_at' => string '2016-09-01 16:24:29' (length=19)
'customer_id' => null
'save_in_address_book' => string '0' (length=1)
'customer_address_id' => null
'address_type' => string 'shipping' (length=8)
'email' => null
'prefix' => null
'firstname' => null
'middlename' => null
'lastname' => null
'suffix' => null
'company' => null
'street' => null
'city' => null
'region' => null
'region_id' => null
'postcode' => null
'country_id' => null
'telephone' => null
'fax' => null
'same_as_billing' => string '1' (length=1)
'free_shipping' => int 0
'collect_shipping_rates' => boolean false
'shipping_method' => null
'shipping_description' => null
'weight' => float 88
'subtotal' => float 888
'base_subtotal' => float 888
'subtotal_with_discount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'base_subtotal_with_discount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
'tax_amount' => int 0
'base_tax_amount' => int 0
'shipping_amount' => int 0
'base_shipping_amount' => int 0
'shipping_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_shipping_tax_amount' => int 0
'discount_amount' => int 0
'base_discount_amount' => int 0
'grand_total' => float 888
'base_grand_total' => float 888
'customer_notes' => null
'applied_taxes' => string 'a:0:{}' (length=6)
'discount_description' => string '' (length=0)
'shipping_discount_amount' => int 0
'base_shipping_discount_amount' => int 0
'subtotal_incl_tax' => float 888
'base_subtotal_total_incl_tax' => null
'hidden_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_hidden_tax_amount' => int 0
'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => null
'shipping_incl_tax' => int 0
'base_shipping_incl_tax' => int 0
'vat_id' => null
'vat_is_valid' => null
'vat_request_id' => null
'vat_request_date' => null
'vat_request_success' => null
'gift_message_id' => null
'extra_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_extra_tax_amount' => int 0
'recurring_initial_fee_amount' => int 0
'base_recurring_initial_fee_amount' => int 0
'cached_items_all' =>
array (size=1)
0 =>
protected '_eventPrefix' => string 'sales_quote_item' (length=16)
protected '_eventObject' => string 'item' (length=4)
protected '_quote' =>
protected '_options' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_optionsByCode' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_notRepresentOptions' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_flagOptionsSaved' => boolean true
protected '_errorInfos' =>
protected '_parentItem' => null
protected '_children' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_messages' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_resourceName' => string 'sales/quote_item' (length=16)
protected '_resource' => null
protected '_resourceCollectionName' => string 'sales/quote_item_collection' (length=27)
protected '_cacheTag' => boolean false
protected '_dataSaveAllowed' => boolean true
protected '_isObjectNew' => null
protected '_data' =>
array (size=69)
protected '_hasDataChanges' => boolean true
protected '_origData' =>
array (size=53)
protected '_idFieldName' => string 'item_id' (length=7)
protected '_isDeleted' => boolean false
protected '_oldFieldsMap' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_syncFieldsMap' =>
array (size=0)
'cached_items_nominal' =>
array (size=0)
'cached_items_nonnominal' =>
array (size=1)
0 =>
protected '_eventPrefix' => string 'sales_quote_item' (length=16)
protected '_eventObject' => string 'item' (length=4)
protected '_quote' =>
protected '_options' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_optionsByCode' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_notRepresentOptions' =>
array (size=1)
protected '_flagOptionsSaved' => boolean true
protected '_errorInfos' =>
protected '_parentItem' => null
protected '_children' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_messages' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_resourceName' => string 'sales/quote_item' (length=16)
protected '_resource' => null
protected '_resourceCollectionName' => string 'sales/quote_item_collection' (length=27)
protected '_cacheTag' => boolean false
protected '_dataSaveAllowed' => boolean true
protected '_isObjectNew' => null
protected '_data' =>
array (size=69)
protected '_hasDataChanges' => boolean true
protected '_origData' =>
array (size=53)
protected '_idFieldName' => string 'item_id' (length=7)
protected '_isDeleted' => boolean false
protected '_oldFieldsMap' =>
array (size=0)
protected '_syncFieldsMap' =>
array (size=0)
'recurring_trial_payment_amount' => int 0
'base_recurring_trial_payment_amount' => int 0
'nominal_subtotal_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_subtotal_amount' => int 0
'total_qty' => int 4
'base_virtual_amount' => int 0
'virtual_amount' => int 0
'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => float 888
'nominal_discount_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_discount_amount' => int 0
'nominal_weee_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_weee_amount' => int 0
'nominal_tax_amount' => int 0
'base_nominal_tax_amount' => int 0
'msrp_amount' => int 0
'base_msrp_amount' => int 0
'can_apply_msrp' => boolean false
'servicecenters_amount' => int 0
'base_servicecenters_amount' => int 0
'freeshipping_amount' => int 0
'base_freeshipping_amount' => int 0
'rounding_deltas' =>
array (size=0)
'weee_amount' => int 0
'base_weee_amount' => int 0
'applied_taxes_reset' => boolean true
'free_method_weight' => float 88
'item_qty' => int 4
'tax_shipping_amount' => int 0
'base_tax_shipping_amount' => int 0
'shipping_taxable' => int 0
'base_shipping_taxable' => int 0
'is_shipping_incl_tax' => boolean false
'cart_fixed_rules' =>
array (size=0)
'applied_rule_ids' => string '' (length=0)
'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => int 0
here is result in fetch var_dump($address->getData());
public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) {
if ($address->getAddressType() != 'shipping') {
return $this;
var_dump($address->getData()); die(); // here it will show 00 the total
'code' => 'lorem_ipsum',
'title' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
'value' => 0,
return $this;