I am very new to Magento. My requirement is to add a Pro Staff section. Pro staff content would have some attribute fields and references to products. In front-end there will be a category wise display of all contents, which leads to its own pages.

I am planning to done this using a custom type, like custom content type in Drupal or custom post type in WordPress. How can I create a custom content type?


Is there any other methods, modules or connectors, to achieve this?

2 Answers 2


Very limited in scope is the blog functionality given for FREE :

Magento 1.x : https://marketplace.magento.com/aheadworks-aw-blog.html
Magento 2.x : https://marketplace.magento.com/magefan-module-blog.html

so you can create blog posts and also provides a page that lists all blog posts with pager. Unfortunately some basic functionalities of other CMS's are available only as paid in Magento.

If you want to go with a PAID solution this extension :

Magento 1.x: https://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/advanced-content-manager-improve-your-cms-1.html
Magento 2.x : https://marketplace.magento.com/blackbird-contentmanager.html

This extension promises to do exactly what you need: create custom content types.

Perhaps you can create your own functionality after studying the free solution given above and create your own extension with you own custom type.


Enother methods : 1.Read more about local.xml. 2.read more about static blocks ( they are very easy to use and learn) 3. Read more about model, collections in magento (create your table in db , save some atributes, get them on the frontend , and show them).

If you have any questions , i support you ( give some supports)

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