I have created a custom controller in custom module in Magento ce- Module name is given in camelcase as I want to try if Magento accepts camel-case module name in system.xml also other than config.xml.

But when I create the system.xml as below it doesn't create tab in System >> Configuration page.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <custom translate="label" module="myModule">
            <label>Custom FirmInfo</label>
        <myModule translate="label" module="myModule">
                <settings translate="label">
                        <enable translate="label">
                            <comment><![CDATA[Enable or Disable this extension.]]></comment>

Please can anybody let me know what could be the issue with the system.xml here.

1 Answer 1


Pretty sure it has nothing to do with the case here.

An evident problem is your code is that you declare your new tab like this:

    <custom translate="label" module="myModule">
        <label>Custom FirmInfo</label>

But when you assign your section to your tab you don't assign the right tab:


To fix that you should replace this code with:


As custom is the id of the tab you created.


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