Other way that you can try is as below :
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('your_static_block_id')->toHtml(); ?>
Place this code directly in your phtml file where you want to show the static block on the frontend.
If you want different blocks for different products, you can create the static blocks based on the sku.
Suppose there are two products Product A with sku SA and Product B with sku SB, now create two static blocks with ids SA and SB respectively now call them on the catalog/product/view.phtml in your theme using below code.
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId($_product->getSku())->toHtml(); ?>
Other way that you can try is add update handle, you can refer the https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4735522/magento-template-based-on-attribute-set