From what I read the installation wizard runs only if there is no local.xml. I do have this configuration:

ls -la app/etc/local.xml
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 apache apache 2317 Dec 10 12:31 app/etc/local.xml

But wizard is still showing up. I did an magento upgrade and don't like to do the wizard again. Clearing cache did not help.

How do I close the installation wizard?

2 Answers 2


it is not exactly tested for local.xml.

Instead for the install date:

> \Mage::isInstalled

if (($date = $localConfig->global->install->date) && strtotime($date)) {
    self::$_isInstalled = true;
return self::$_isInstalled; 

So adding a strtotime-readable date to global/install/date is enough


I did not set the install date in local.xml. Have look in app/Mage.php > isInstalled().

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