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28 votes

How to disable the MSI in Magento 2.3?

There are 3 options: Option 1 - Disable via module:disable This command will list and disable all the MSI modules. php bin/magento module:status | grep Magento_Inventory | grep -v List | grep -v None |...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
21 votes

How to disable the MSI in Magento 2.3?

To disable the MSI it's best to do it from command line by running this command in the magento root: php bin/magento module:disable -f Magento_Inventory Magento_InventoryAdminUi Magento_InventoryApi ...
Abude's user avatar
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13 votes

Showing Salable QTY in frontend Magento 2.3

The definition of salable quantity includes the quantity minQty. Nowadays MSI is the approach. So no other methods, shortcuts, objectmanagers or M1 flashback code. It all has to be an MSI approach ...
Mavis Bacon's user avatar
11 votes

Magento 2.3 - How to fetch stock statuses of all the stores

Intro MSI stock works differently from the previous CatalogInventory stock. To explain how to get the stock properly i first need to explain how MSI works. However i will state this beforehand, it is ...
Stephan's user avatar
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11 votes

Impossible drop table during s:up after disable MSI

SOLVED. If someone is looking for a solution, with this instruction not all modules have been disabled, so it returns an error when s: up Then run: php bin/magento module:status | grep ...
Sylvester's user avatar
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9 votes

The requested sku is not assigned to given stock. Product is not displayed

I figured it out right after posting here. On product listing check products and in the action menu select to assign to sources. EDIT just to make it a bit clearer; Backend -> product grid -> ...
Mr. Kovalski's user avatar
7 votes

Magento 2.3 inventory index gives The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again

Recently we experienced this very issue too. Solution in our case was making sure the inventory_source_item MySQL table does not contain any defunct SKU's. To lookup corrupted records in said table, ...
Ward's user avatar
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6 votes

How to set qty to product on MSI Magento 2.3

Here you go! /** * @var Magento\InventoryApi\Api\SourceItemsSaveInterface */ protected $sourceItemsSave; /** * @var Magento\InventoryApi\Api\Data\SourceItemInterfaceFactory */ protected $...
Sondre's user avatar
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5 votes

Add column to sales order view page

Step1: Create column for sales order items app/code/Vendor/Test/view/adminhtml/layout/sales_order_view.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="" ...
Ranganathan's user avatar
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4 votes

Showing Salable QTY in frontend Magento 2.3

I found my own solution in the following piece of code: <?php $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $StockState = $objectManager->get('\Magento\...
JudgeB's user avatar
  • 115
4 votes

Magento 2 how to get Multi source inventory names website wise?

I did below as a solution: use Magento\Inventory\Model\ResourceModel\Source\Collection as InventoryCollection; use Magento\Framework\Api\SortOrderBuilder; use Magento\InventoryApi\Api\...
Utsav Gupta's user avatar
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4 votes

Truncate Table `inventory_reservation`

Truncating reservation table you may break the Salability Quantity calculation for your products. Thus, it's discouraged to apply any changes to this table manually employing direct SQL queries. Here ...
Igor Minyaylo's user avatar
4 votes

Disable stock check / decrease when shipping an order in Magento 2.3.1

~Update ~ Crim is correct. The solution is to disable Magento MSI completely. This is what I ended up doing in my case and works. You're not the only retailer with this issue. After spending some ...
MetalMonkey's user avatar
4 votes

M2 REST API: Creating shipment with products from MSI source

The issue lies in the JSON structure. You should use arguments.extension_attributes.source_code, instead of extension_attributes.source_code as shown below: { "items": [ { "...
Toine H's user avatar
  • 171
3 votes

Disable stock check / decrease when shipping an order in Magento 2.3.1

The solution was to disable Magento MSI completely.
Crim's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Magento 2.3.0 MSI isTableExists calls take too long

I haven't seen any similar reports so far, so created a new ticket for MSI: to track investigation and possibly fix. Do you use Magento 2.3.0 with ...
Eugene's user avatar
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3 votes

Magento 2.3: Getting the salable quantity via SQL

I had a problem with your sql when loading products that didn't have any rows in the inventory_reservation table. Changed the SQL slightly. SELECT t1.`quantity` + COALESCE(SUM(t2.`quantity`), 0) ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Filter product collection with source

you no need to use Product collection for the purposes you mentioned. You can apply filtering on the level of SourceItemRepository (\Magento\InventoryApi\Api\SourceItemRepositoryInterface::getList) ...
Igor Minyaylo's user avatar
3 votes

Showing Salable QTY in frontend Magento 2.3

Try this. A complete solution based on the other answers use Magento\InventorySalesApi\Api\Data\SalesChannelInterface; $productSalable = $objectManager->get('\Magento\InventorySalesApi\Api\...
bryanxkier's user avatar
3 votes

Why I received the error "Could not receive Stock Item data" in admin product grid?

It's happening because when you migrate your DB the inventory_stock_1 was not created, you can run this SQL below in your DB to fix it. If needed, change the root user and localhost address. ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
3 votes

I have to disable the MSI and enable the usual qty field only in the magento 2.3.5 version

2.3 introduced a view table Run this on your db CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `inventory_stock_1` AS select distinct `legacy_stock_status`.`product_id` AS `product_id`, `legacy_stock_status`.`...
Dominic Pixie's user avatar
3 votes

Magento 2 MSI Get Product's Inventory Location/wareshouse on frontend

you can use \Magento\InventoryApi\Api\SourceItemRepositoryInterface class with \Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaBuilder to get source item data by source code and product SKU. Here are the sample ...
Gohil Rajesh's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2.3 - Salable Quantity turning off

The issue was related to third party extension that wasn't ready for 2.3 If anyone is using m2e and has this same issue: "you need to change configuration files so m2e takes a source from saleable ...
Krzysztof Linetty's user avatar
2 votes

Showing Salable QTY in frontend Magento 2.3

All the CatalogInventory interfaces including StockStateInterface are deprecated since Magento 2.3.1 You can see that in Magento source code, also they would be highlighted as deprecated if you are ...
Igor Minyaylo's user avatar
2 votes

How to set qty to product on MSI Magento 2.3

I found how to set qty to the product on the 'MSI way'. PS: I'm using the default source. The constructor: private $sourceItemsSave; private $sourceItemInterface; public function __construct( ...
Trimes's user avatar
  • 38
2 votes

How to set qty to product on MSI Magento 2.3

Use this page for the corresponding match for new Inventory API -
Igor Minyaylo's user avatar
2 votes

Magento MSI; add custom attribute to Sources in M2

On MSI track we are going to add Source Type ExtensionAttribute to the Source entity. So that you could use that attribute when released. While we did not release that part - you can do it by ...
Igor Minyaylo's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2.3.2 Inventory Reservation, adding entries for open order before inventory upgrade

Maybe you had fixed this, if not check the CLI commands to check and resolve reservation inconsistencies.
aodreman's user avatar
2 votes

Truncate Table `inventory_reservation`

In some instances, it might make sense to do so. We have had occasions where some reported salable inventory amounts are off (haven't tracked down how it happens). If we make sure all orders are ...
Art Siv's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento2 - MSI In-Store Pickup how to enable?

The MSI In-Store Pickup is not released yet. The public release will be in MSI 1.2 (Magento 2.4). There is a demo link which contains an answer to your question. I hope this helped.
Maxim  Novik's user avatar

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