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Magento 2.2: Git deploy error following composer installation

When cloning CE and deploying on Gandi servers, following their own instructions, the process is aborted with the error mentioned in the title.


  1. Magento 2.2.1 CE
  2. PHP7.1
  3. MySQL 5.6
  4. servers - simple hosting instance
  5. Local machine is ubuntu 16.04 x64

Steps to reproduce

  1. Following directions from here and here.

  2. Enter following commands:

     $ cd ~
     $ mkdir [VHOST_NAME]
     $ cd [VHOST_NAME]
     $ git remote add gandi git+ssh://[USER_ID]@git.[SERVER][VHOST_NAME].git
     $ composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition htdocs
     $ git add .
     $ git commit -m 'Install Magento 2'
     $ git push gandi master
     $ ssh [USER_ID]@git.[SERVER] deploy [VHOST_NAME].git

Expected result

  1. 'Build complete' message should be seen in terminal.

Actual result

  1. Completed up to step 10 of 'Steps to reproduce' successfully.
  2. Step 11 fails with error message:

composer.json and composer.lock files should be placed outside the htdocs directory.

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