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Questions tagged [rich-snippets]

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Magento 2 : Block Google From Indexing the price in my store as its a b2b site

I have a b2b store running on Magento 2.4.4. I am trying to block google from indexing only the price from my product page! Is it even possible?
Amer Mansour's user avatar
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How to implement rich results in magento 2?

Basically I am trying to add structured data such as AggregateRating for products with reviews, Offer – price and priceCurrency, Image(s), SKU, Product name, as JSON-LD code in all products page in ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How to get total amount of reviews belongs to one category? [Magento 1.9]

I am trying to generate SEO rich data in Magento for a category or listing page. I just don't understand how can I get the total amount of reviews for a that category. I don't want to slow down the ...
xtremprovider's user avatar
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Add Rich Snippets Magento 2

I have the following code, which I have appended to the opengraph/general.phtml file in Magento 2. I am hoping this will add the rich snippet data required by Google, but I am receiving an error (...
YorkieMagento's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.1 how to disable default rich snippets

i install a 3rd party rich snippets on my site that comes with porto theme i have done a structured data test today and it,s shows 2 sets of product now google always picking the default one. can some ...
Jakir Sama's user avatar
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In which referenceContainer of product page we add block for custom rich snippets of current product?

I have to extend default rich snippets for products. For this I have my script in .phtml file as: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Product", <...
Ajwad Syed's user avatar
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M2.2.2 Remove default rich snippets

I have installed an extension which puts Rich Cards on my product pages, however the default Magento structured data code for rich snippets is still present. How can I remove this from product pages?
bondimedical's user avatar
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Price removal from Product Page with .xml or .php OR stop GOOGLE indexing it

Hey everyone! I am wondering if anyone could help me with this as I have been struggling for quite a bit now. I have a magento 1.9 web store where all the prices are hidden with CSS (brochure ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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Magento 2.1 move currency symbol for rich snippets

All M2 themes I have tested do not have proper structured data/rich snippets. The currency symbol is in the price span, and gets a warning: An example: link to snippet Problem code cleaned up a bit: ...
Jon's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Hide default review rich snippets

In Magento 2, I want to hide the default rich snippets. I already figured out how to remove the price and product rich snippets by reading this blog:
mikesteeghs's user avatar
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The property $xxx is not a valid price specification in Magento2

"Also referring here for the issue: - Microdata related issue for Magento 2 site" Price property is currently not well recognized in Google ...
greentealeaf's user avatar
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Rich snippets for responsive layout in product page

Assuming below structure in product view page, should I add the rich snippet tag itemprop="name" for both views, as Google does not crawl css with diaply:none. <div itemscope itemtype="http://...
Zinat's user avatar
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Why the Google Data Highlighter for products isn't showing in Google?

I have a few sites that make it difficult for me to go in and implement structured data by code - Thus I revert to using Google's Data Highlighter in Search Console. I have marked up two sites to ...
Edgar Quintero's user avatar
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Rich Snippets inside or outside of the template?

I recently added rich snippets to the product detail page for simple and configurable. But now I'm asking myself if it was right to add the meta datas at the end of the templates. How do you solved ...
Timo.Klement's user avatar
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Old Rich Snippets showing in Google as well as New Rich Snippets

As far as I am aware, the meta descriptions and the page titles I add to my Magento site are used as the rich snippets on Google. Recently I have changed my Meta Descriptions and Page Titles so they ...
conor500's user avatar
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How can I use and insert Brand and Model Rich Snippets properties?

I wonder how I can use and implement the properties "Brand" and "model" for my My catalog is something like: (e.g.) Samsung (Brand) -> 32F5000 (Model)
KaMZaTa's user avatar
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Rich Snippet Breadcrumbs Issue [closed]

I followed this article to how to add manually rich snippets in Magento. so i want to add the breadcrumbs part. This is the breadscrumbs.phtml content: <?php if($crumbs && is_array($...
Attila Naghi's user avatar
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Adding structured data / rich snippets to existing code without affecting template

I've been doing some reading and following some tutorials to implement structured data / rich snippets code into my store. It's been easy to follow and understand, however now I'm in a situation where ...
SR_Magento's user avatar
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