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2 answers

Using searchCriteria while searching attributes in magento 2.0

Fetching attribute info, if I apply multiple filters in a single search criteria, it does not work. But in case of single filter it works perfectly. Multiple filters HTTP request: http://192.168.1....
devdoe's user avatar
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5 votes
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Invalid Signature - add a product using Magento REST API

i have created AccessToken and AccessTokenSecret as mentioned in the Oauth Rest API Documentation and I am able to retrieve the products using GET Request. But when i try to Create a new product (POST ...
Velu's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Getting http code 400 on Magento REST API call where token has 'admin' & 'all' privileges

I'm trying to create a customer using the Magento REST API. I can use my token to retrieve/update data just fine, but for whatever reason I am unable to create an account, regardless of the ...
john's user avatar
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