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Change layout based on url parameter - Magento 2.4

We created a custom module, to load a observer before layout_load_before. And then we would like to change the custom layout, based on a url parameter ?content-only=yes. For some reason it does not ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Magento 2: Remove account element only for certain store views?

After much fighting with my layouts to add a link to my customer account page in a way that matches the design I finally succeeded in making the link show up and link to an actual page that also ...
joeybab3's user avatar
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Fatal error Call to a member function insert() on boolean:Magento

I am facing an error during the checkout process when I select a payment method and press the button continue to next step to place order its an error as follows: Fatal error Call to a member ...
Xabby's user avatar
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Add block to layout dynamically in event observer

I want to know how to use layout.xml with event observer. I want to show a message in footer when payment made successfully. I know I have to use the event ...
Rahul Chaurasia's user avatar
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Can I use an observer to insert my module block into

I want my custom block to be dependent on whether my module is enabled or not and I want do not want it to be dependent on a theme so using the following, for example, is out of the question: /catalog/...
tylersDisplayName's user avatar