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Magento 2 - How I can get category for related products

How I can get categories for related products like in the following image: I use this code: $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $category = $objectManager->get('...
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1 answer

Call current product in custom phtml file in Magento 2

On the product page I created a custom module to override the form.phtml file. I also added the option to include a new file called customFile.phtml when the user clicks on a button that is positioned ...
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1 answer

Magento 2 - Move swatch-options at the bottom

I try to move swatch-options in the product page at the bottom of the page, before "Write a review" zone, I use this code: <move element="" destination="content" before="
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1 answer

Problem with Mage_Sales_Model_Quote::addProduct() and Bundled Products

So I'm trying to add a bundled product to a quote programmatically in a module. When I add an item to the cart directly from the front-end, it works just fine. However, when I do it programmatically,...