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Product name change

Is there a way or a program etc that can help to change products on 50k products in an easier way than Excel or do it one by one in Admin? Thanks,
Jan-petter Havna's user avatar
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updating product description via coding correctly shows text on product page but admin side's edit description with pagebuilder shows old values?

In my custom module, I am able to set the description of an existing product successfully using the code below & the product url shows correct output for description: $product = $this->...
raza19's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Magento2 : How to get product id to my custom module

I am new to magento2 and currently I'm building a custom module and i want to get the product ID/SKU from the catalog. I'm trying to call using a function located in the Block folder. please advise!
ming's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set special price on all stores?

I want to programmatically set special prices on products. The below code works perfectly for 1 store view. But I want to have the special price to be applied to the "All Store Views" scope. ...
Hassan Al-Jeshi's user avatar
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main.CRITICAL: Error: Call to a member function getId() on null

I'm using Magento 2.4.3 and I'm loading a custom module using someone else's code from the link
Isaac's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How I can get category for related products

How I can get categories for related products like in the following image: I use this code: $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $category = $objectManager->get('...
Robert's user avatar
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2 answers

add custom tab in product page

Is it possible to add custom tab in product page remains in custom module(with out changing template of theme). if it's not possible help me in extending template of theme to adding custom tab in ...
Muhammad Zahoor's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento 2.2.6 - Change the product name title

how I can change products name attribute. I create a new attribute second_name and I assigned to all products, now I want this attribute to replace the default name attribute. I need to change this on ...
Robert's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 2: How to completely hide price from the store

I want to completely hide the price from the store. Be it in the catalog, product, minicart or cart. I need to do this through a custom module. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
coderGeek's user avatar
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Call current product in custom phtml file in Magento 2

On the product page I created a custom module to override the form.phtml file. I also added the option to include a new file called customFile.phtml when the user clicks on a button that is positioned ...
Jackom's user avatar
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2 votes
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Add custom textarea field to product form (admin)

I want to add a custom product attribute to the product form in the admin area. and
hey's user avatar
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How to get the product ID in Magento 2 plugin

Hi all I am using Magento 2 and I want to get the product Id on all pages. Now i amable to get the product id in product details pae (Product single page). but i am not getting those in product ...
Sanjun Dev's user avatar
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Pass the value from the block class to the phtml file and not working in custom module

Hi all I need your help, I am writing a new module (quote request, when user go to the product details page, they can request a quote for the product) I created a form and display in the product ...
GeorgeM's user avatar
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Magento 2 : How to add a product grid (assign product) in custom module using UI Component?

I want to add product grid (assign product) in my custom module using UI Component. I follow this ANSWER: Magento 2 : How to add a product grid in custom module using ui component? and I get the ...
Rajan Soni's user avatar
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Magento 2: Overriding addtocart.phtml for Configurable Products

I've create a module and overriden addtocart.phtml to replace the 'Add to Cart' button with 'Preorder' when the Preorder attribute is set to 'Yes'. This works well on simple products, but I cannot ...
Max's user avatar
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5 votes
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Custom Model Relationship (CMS Page + Product)

I am trying to assign a Product Object to a CMS Page Object, so when you have the CMS Page Object, you can do something like this: $product = $page->getProduct(); I have modified the CMS Page ...
user3218861's user avatar
2 votes
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Order per product unit or per box

This is what I'm trying to achieve: I have 2 radiobuttons: 1. Order per item 2. Order per box (6) Under those radiobuttons, theres a textbox. People need to fill the amount in that field. When I ...
user3478148's user avatar
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Product feed with 2 Facebook Page

I have the Facebook Ads extension plugin with Magento. I already have it configured with one Facebook Page with the product feed. Is it possible to add another page and a second product feed? The two ...
Quentin's user avatar
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Any free extension for displaying top rated products in magento 2?

I like to know is there any free extension or module for displaying top rated products in magento 2?
Kowsigan Atsayam's user avatar
1 vote
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magento 2 unable to set the values for product collection using service contract from custom module?

I am trying to form a custom format for product collection(getList) using service-contract concept in magento 2 i am able to add keys but i am unable to add values to the response object can you ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Move swatch-options at the bottom

I try to move swatch-options in the product page at the bottom of the page, before "Write a review" zone, I use this code: <move element="" destination="content" before="
Robert's user avatar
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Magento2 Multiple product chooser

I need a multiple product chooser for a widget. Can anyone please help me with some directions how can I implement something like that?
glafche's user avatar
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4 votes
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Magento2 - Product Collection with custom condition

What is the best practice for adding custom condition of following collection? Category view detail page product collection Search page product collection Give me some advice for that. How can I add ...
Sohel Rana's user avatar
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Where do you place code that effects ALL Products or Customers in the backend?

Hey everyone I know the title is vague so I will clarify here. I have code that updates Customer attributes and Product attributes. Unfortunately you guys are all going to frown upon me because I run ...
CodingMageSheen's user avatar
1 vote
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Magento 2 - Getting order information

I'm working on creating a file that I can use to send any orders received on a particular day via a post API call. Magento's code appears to have changed dramatically now so I'm finding getting ...
Liam McArthur's user avatar
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Magento2: How to create a page same as Product view page?

In my custom extension, I want to display product view page same to same in Popup. Can anyone help me how to display product view page or create a page same as product view page.
BornCoder's user avatar
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