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Creating custom 2FA provider

I'd like to enable the 2FA extension but I'd like to write my own provider (e.g. not Authy or Google Authenticator). Anybody who can point me in the right direction? I have been working with ...
FooBar's user avatar
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Magento 2: How do I load a cart populated by the REST API into the frontend?

Using the Magento REST API I am able to create and populate a cart on my external site, but I want customers to checkout on the actual Magento site. Right now I'm looking at creating a plugin for ...
Drew DuBois's user avatar
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Preference is not working while a method called from child class

I created a preference for the method _applyOptionsPrice() in Magento/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Price.php class. The preference is working while the _applyOptionsPrice() was called from the same ...
Siranjeevi K S's user avatar
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Plugin Grid not loading/block doesn't exist

So I have a plugin called Vendor/PluginName. It's fairly simple and has a grid layout (view/adminhtml/layout/pluginname_index_grid.xml) that has the contents of .... <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
Simon's user avatar
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Magento 2 Change price for configurable product using plugin

I need to change price of products using plugin. I used following method for it. <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:...
Sameer Bhayani's user avatar
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Trouble with cart add module

Trying to create a module that redirects the customer to the account creation page when they add to cart if they are not logged in, I have the following code in app/code/Mason/CheckoutRedirect/Plugin/...
user47883's user avatar
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Magento 2 prevent function from executing using plugins

There is a third party module which contain the RecurringData.php file. That class has install function which runs $this->testimonial->update(); function. I want to stop the execution of that ...
Jackson Wyss's user avatar
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Cannot add custom topmenu link with plugin

I want to add custom links to the topmen / a submenu in the topmenu (I need the links for custom filters). To achieve this, I have created a plugin: app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/frontend/di.xml: <...
Dorni's user avatar
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