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x-magento-init not working in magento 2

I have Need to run some script after logged in admin user in magento 2. But, Its not calling for me. What i did: I have created js file this location. app/code/Vendor/Module/view/adminhtml/web/js/...
Rajkumar .E's user avatar
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Use cases for different JS init methods

I have read a number of ways to add JS files to a Magento 2 project, but I haven't seen anywhere where the benefits / best use-cases for each are explained. The use-cases that are most relevant to my ...
Ian Rushton's user avatar
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How to create auto call javascript multiple function in magento 2 in single file

I create two js file for a task. I want to merge two file task in one file in three function. Both two have different config parameter. I am using magento x init. <script type="text/x-magento-init"...
Deepak Rai's user avatar
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