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Inheriting CSS in child theme's child theme

I'm relatively new to this, so i hope someone can help me out. In my store i have a child theme of blank. The changes in this child theme get properly displayed on the store front and everything not ...
Miss Oats's user avatar
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Magento 2 Luma Theme inherence error 2.2.1 CE

I have a problem when I add a new theme in my new Magento 2.2.1 CE from scratch, and I try to inherent Luma theme. I sow to many examples but nothing work for me. If I put as parent blank work well ...
Rafael David Portilla Santigue's user avatar
0 votes
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Inheritance from 3rd party template

I'm trying to create my own template and inheritance from another that I bought on themestore. I think it's a good practice, just for change some things, doing this way the 3rd party template is ...
Marc Pont's user avatar
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