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Exporting products and categories from 1.7 to 1.9

I am trying to export the categories and products from magento so that I can import them to another 1.9 installation. I've tried the following System -> Export ->Dataflow - profiles -> Export ...
Shane's user avatar
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import/export product in italian

I am new to magento and I have two questions to ask you, I hope you can help me. In fact I have to take care of a existing website.this website is in French and English and I have to add a view to ...
strauss's user avatar
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How to Sort a Large Number of an Attribute's "Manage Options (values of your attribute)"

I have a dropdown attribute with many options that need to be sorted. I am wondering how best to sort them automatically? If it can't be done automatically, is there a way to export the data from ...
Raphael Rafatpanah's user avatar
4 votes
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Importing product weights when multiple rows in CSV per product

Currently, practically every Magento import is yielding a frustrating experience in this particular project. Most product data is already in the system, configurables setup, each with all their ...
zigojacko's user avatar
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Associate Products to Categories after Export CSV

Is there a way to associate products with categories? I've exported a csv with all the products, images etc (a complete export) then after the import (it wasn't painless) I've noticed 3 things 1) ...
Smith Jones's user avatar
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How to add CSV Import/Export Functionality

I have created custom gallery extension but I need to implement an import and export or gallery data in the CSV Format. I did too much research but couldn't find any useful link to find solution so ...
Vikrant Roy's user avatar