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How can I move compare product link in header | Magento 2

How to move compare product link into header, Right now it is in top links. So to do so I've tried putting following line in my default.xml <move element="compare-products-link" destination="...
Kaushal Suthar's user avatar
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Magento 2 Add 'My Cart','Compare Products','Newsletter' Sidebars in right column

I have a CMS Page with '2 Column Right' layout. I want to add 'My Cart','Compare Products','Newsletter' Sidebars in right column. How is ...
Jancy Abraham's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I remove wishlist and compare block pieces form the 404 not found page?

I need to remove wishlist and compare from the not found page. I use CMS to make the not found page. This is what I tried as a Design XML Update, and it didn't work: <referenceContainer name="...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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How can I get compare button in header section with the same functionality as of cart button

I'm an IT student and new in magento. I was wondering, how can I create compare button as on that link I found sidebar.phtml file under vendor/magento/module-...
Dariusz's user avatar