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SKU Report for null attribute values

I am getting all product sku's that does not have a attribute value 'image_link'. I have written this code in magento : $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') ->getCollection() ->...
Melvin's user avatar
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Filter collection value from another value from another index

I create a custom attribute last_sync for customer custom attribute, i need to filter it if this attribute is null OR greater than created_at, right now i'm using code like this: $collections = Mage::...
Shell Suite's user avatar
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Get product by name in magento 1.9

How to get product by name? I have the name of the product in my code and iIwant to get product so I use this code : $model = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); $product = $model->load('name-of-...
Mohsen Mahoski's user avatar
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How to merge two getmodels

I want to merge two Model results in a variable to use it in the register. There's a way to do this? $commercial = Mage::getModel('thorleif/commercial')->load(1); $lcat = Mage::getModel('...
javaTodev's user avatar
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Call to undefined method Collection::getData()

I use (Manthan_Marketplace) extension in my Magento store I want to add a table to this extension so create a custom table (photos) in Magento database with name:(manthan_marketplace_photos) Table ...
Mohsen Mahoski's user avatar
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how to merge two collection in magento 1.9

$collection = Mage::getModel("manager/campus")->getCollection() ->addFieldToFilter('regionalmanager',array('finset' => $arr)) ->addFieldToFilter('status', array('eq' => ...
supriya mishra's user avatar
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Magento: A question about collection LIMIT by the way "Zend Db limit"

There are several ways to limit collection for magento you could find here Magento: Set LIMIT on collection. I tried the best answer, both ways work well. But when I am trying, I met a question is ...
Key Shang's user avatar
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How to add another model collection data to an array. [Magento 1.9]

I have response collection $customerData, I have to add referral code of selected customers in the same array, Model and field of referral code is : $referCustomer = Mage::getModel('...
supriya mishra's user avatar
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3 answers

load method vs getCollection method which is better and faster

Let assume we have 1 record in database and id is 1 we can get record using 2 method load by id and getCollection. $model = Mage::getModel('stackexchange/questions') ->getCollection()...
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar
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Magento: Which is optimized way to get single record? [duplicate]

load by Id $data = Mage::getModel('module_name/model)->load($id); or //collection by filter $data = Mage::getModel('module_name/model)->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('id',$id);
Vishal's user avatar
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Delete a row by custom field in Magento

I am facing an issue with deleting rows from table by custom field. Below my database table link_id | quote_id | giftcard_value | giftcard | redeemed_at ---------------------------------------------...
Duke's user avatar
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magento 1.9: How to load customers by mobile number [duplicate]

I want to load customer and get his data from telephone number we have load() methods, to load customer by id as well as we have loadByEmail() to load customer by Email but i want to load customer by ...
Shashank's user avatar
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Magento resource Collection override

I have been trying to override Magento resource collection class. I have found few solutions but it seems can't get it to work. The class is located in: App/code/core/Mage/Reports/Model/Resource/...
BenGhabili's user avatar
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Use iso3_code in country list Magento

I have a dropdown list on the Magento backend extension that I'm developing. So far, the working code for this dropdown is as follows: $fieldset->addField( 'country', '...
VDD's user avatar
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What is different between getCollection(); and $product->getData();

What is different between getCollection(); and $product->getData(); $products_collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') **getCollection(); ->addAttributeToSelect('*') ->addFieldToFilter('...
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar