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Questions tagged [cdn]

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0 answers

Cached Images not shown in Product Image (CDN at AWS S3)

I am stuck here. As i am using S3 bucket and S3FS-FUSE for syncing my /media folder with S3 bucket with rsync (cronjob). As rsync is very slow in syncing cached images with S3, thus it results in ...
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1 answer

cdn deploy static files magento - still deploying to "normal" directories

I'm trying to get my static files to be deployed in I have pointed my base url and secure base urls like below After I did - the website is trying to pull data from that location ...
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1 answer

Help configure cloudflare for magento 1.9

I just signed up for cloudflare free plan and changed name servers to ones provided by cloudflare, and added page rules according to their recommendations. Currently my web settings look like this: ...
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0 answers

Caching magento 2 (with CDN)

On a local server I have a test-instance of Magento 2, by running a new build on that server and then rsyncing the code to the production, I switch to a new without downtime. Recently I have added a ...
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0 answers

Problems with loading data from subdomains

After rebuilding my Magento I realised that there is a few missing things like css(missing icons, characters) and some jQuery/Javascripts don't work. After a little bit of a research I found that (...
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1 answer

Disable Akamai For Magento Backend

We use Akamai for our CDN on our Magento store, and I'm running into some issues where it would be nice to disable the CDN for our admin area. Does anyone know a simple way to do this? I tried ...
3 votes
1 answer

Use CDN url instead of image path with mysql bulk import

I want to insert and use an image urls from my own CDN directly into the database. I want to do this to save space because I use the images in other applications as well. I've wrote a function that ...
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1 answer

Ajax error when using minified version of prototype.js

When using minified version of the PrototypeJS. (official version from Google CDN) ajax stops working. Console shows error: "TypeError: e is not a function" Is there a way to fix this? We really ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using AWS S3 bucket to store media folder

I'm setting up a Magento site on AWS for the first time and want to use a S3 bucket with Cloudfront CDN. I want to store the media folder in an s3 bucket so that I can scale out the servers and they ...
2 votes
1 answer

Magento 2 CORS & CDN

Using cdn77 which does not have the ability to set cross origin on that end so I need to update the htaccess of the store. I have updated the pub/static/.htaccess to include fonts setting Header ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multistore multi-store on separate hosting servers

I have an existing store with multiple storefronts for US,UK,Chinese versions. Each storefront has a /en/, /uk/, /cn/. Now we have a problem with the website showing in china, due to the firewall, ...
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0 answers

Magento 2 : Ghost Images From Magento Website are Trying To Be Loaded

I used keycdn to setup a cdn for my magento 2 website before I moved over to cloudflare but I'm having a strange issue ever since I made switch and I'm not sure how to fix it. You can view this error ...
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1 answer

Where do I point my "Secure Base URL for Static View Files" for CDN in Magento 2?

Currently in Magento 2, deploying on live production we get the following: /static/version1490119662/frontend/sss/default/en_US/Ves_Megamenu/css/styles.css Sometimes not always in development and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Magento 1.9 - Not getting recenlty uploaded product import files(CSV) on AWS server with CDN

When I upload CSV files from Magento backend under System > Import/Export > Dataflow-Profiles > Upload File tabs, files are uploaded successfully but when check uploaded files under Run ...
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1 answer

Magento add CDN on local server

I want to create a new subdomain and serve all media/js/css trough that subdomain, to speed up total page load. But therefore I want to create a new cdn folder, outside my current root ...
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0 answers

Cdn And Magento2

I have followed some tutorials to use cdn in magento2, but after making the settings, my site simply stopped working, and it does not load any more images, nothing else! I can not even roll back cdn ...
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1 answer

css not loaded using CDN

The Problem is not loaded stylesheet because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css". We are using cdn on aws. I added to below line on apache server. AddType text/css .css AddType text/...
3 votes
3 answers

Magento CDN on local server by subdomain

While reading up on some Magento I was again attracked to the following: How can I set-up a Magento CDN on local server by subdomain? [also see attached images] I am envisioning to set-up cdn....
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1 answer

MaxCDN + Magento Developer> Merge CSS 404 error

I just setup my store to Use MAX CDN. The merged CSS files does not load when the setting is ON. The System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer> Merge CSS Files is set to Yes. If I Set the Merge ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the REST API call to create a product with the image already hosted on a CDN

Background: All of our product images are hosted on Amazon S3. Magento is going to be hosted in a load balance / multiple instance Docker setup. The hosting environment is only going to provide the ...
0 votes
1 answer

image upload with Magento Elastic Load Balancer

My Magento store is configured with Elastic Load Balancer but when i try to upload product images from the backend sometimes it fails. I have IP - A - B My problem is there ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reduce queries of OnePica Image CDN

For our customer we're using the OnePica_ImageCdn extension which is working fine. Of course we're using the database for the setting 'File Result Cache'. The other option is using file based cache ...
4 votes
1 answer

magento fooman css/js combine + minify & using CDN

We added a CDN just recently. And this got me wondering. We use fooman extension to combine + minify all CSS and JS ... but these files are on the original server (not CDN) Ofcourse the CDN ...
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2 answers

Cloudflare with Magento [closed]

Thinking about setting up Cloudflare for a Magento instance but not quite too sure how to handle caching with dynamic content. As every page has a basket total I cant see how page caching can be used. ...
4 votes
2 answers

Set up CDN with Cloudflare

I'm trying to reduce the number of request, so I take a look only and these are the solution to move the media folder: Use a file server Use a CDN I have no clue on how to achive the first method and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Icon are not displaying after setting up cdn for static view files for magento 2

Icon are not displaying after setting up cdn for static view files.i found out that is a problem with font awesome CROS..what i have to do solve this issue and i which file i have to make changes.. ...
1 vote
1 answer

icons are not displaying after setting up content delivery network for static view files?

I am trying to setup azure cdn for static view files and changed Base URL for Static View Files with cdn url.but icons are not displaying ,how do i solve this ? I am using nginx server and I found ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multi-Store Magento - On CDN - Possible?

I have a multi-store magento install. I have a CDN with Trustwave. Currently I have only setup 1 store on the trustwave CDN. And have changed that one store's DNS to point to the CDN. Do you think ...
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1 answer

Problem with CDN

I'm using KeliWeb CDN and I've experienced a problem. After having set Magento like in these pictures ( and https://www....
2 votes
1 answer

how to migrate the CDN affected magento site

we have a magento site with affected by CDN. ex : we have to migrate the magento site to one more domain. ex : but after moving still the site is affecting from CDN. means the ...
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1 answer

magento website color changed to original theme color after applying Content delivery network

we bought a new magento theme and we customized as per our needs. we changed color of lot of menus, texts...etc. we want to speed up the site. so we did CDN[content delivery network] for our site. ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to use CDN?

How to call the product images, skin ( CSS, images, js) from subdomain. Example :
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1 answer

Parallize downloads?

I am using cloudfront cdn for which I have I created a cname in my hosting server. pointing to Can I create multiple cnames like above and use one for skin, ...