I want to know that is paypal standard supports recurring subscription ? That means once I will send all details to paypal and then paypal itself debit amount every defined schedule. and when paypal capture amount from customer's account I will get an response that time.

Is is feasible with paypal standard recurring subscription ?

Please help me on this.

1 Answer 1


Yes, Magento paypal payment standard support the recurring payment.

You can enabled it from admin payment method section from paypal standard. You will need to set field Billing Agreement Signup to Auto or Ask customer. Also you will need to set Billing Agreement Settings in admin.

After this settings enabled when customer place an order with paypal standard method. Paypal will create billing agreement id for the customer and it will store in magento.

When user will place an order of any recurring product system will pass all the recurring options of that product like billing cycle, frequency, billing amount etc... to paypal and paypal will generate recurring profile id for this order. And it will manage next all payment schedule by itself.

Whenever next auto payment done in paypal it will send the response via IPN and magento will generate new order for that recurring profile and same time customer also notify as well admin user.

  • Thank you. Its help me a lot.Well suppose if customer add two products in cart.One is for monthly basis and one is for Yearly basis.Then how to manage ?
    – Poyan
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 4:22
  • In magento customer can add only one recurring product in cart at a time. it's a default functionality. Recurring products are also called nominal products. Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 5:12
  • ok.and Is it compulsory that amount should be same at the time of every capturing from amount while placing an order ?
    – Poyan
    Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 5:17
  • When customer place an order whatever price you set for the product it will pass that price to paypal and Paypal will take auto payment in every schedule. if you want to update that billing price you will need to extend paypal recurring API. Magento not giving that functionality currently Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 5:21
  • @AkhileshPatel can you confirm this can be implemented in Magento 2.2?
    – Knight017
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 12:38

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