You can get the SQL from a collection if need be.
Because products use EAV it's fairly complicated to write a sql query, but very easy to build a collection.
I'm guessing what you need it this
$attributes = ['sku','name','price', 'descrption' , 'qty' ];
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect($attributes);
Now you can get the select by doing the following:
echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();
Which is the following:
SELECT 1 AS `status`, `e`.`entity_id`, `e`.`type_id`, `e`.`attribute_set_id`, `e`.`sku`, `e`.`name`, `e`.`price` FROM `catalog_product_flat_1` AS `e`%
You'll see Magento adds a few extra columns in, please just remove them.