I try to add a age verification to the day of birth field on the registration page. For now I added this code to the Varien.DateElement validate function in the js\varien\js.js file:

today = new Date();
var dateLegal = new Date(today.getFullYear() - 18, today.getMonth(), today.getDate() );
if (test.valueOf() > dateLegal.valueOf()) {
    error = 'You must be 18.......';

This works how I want it. The problem I have with this is, Varien.DateElement is for every date fields. There is a Varien.DOB special for day of birth. I tried to add there a validate function, but it will be never called.

Varien.DOB = Class.create();
Varien.DOB.prototype = {
    initialize: function(selector, required, format) {
        var el = $$(selector)[0];
        var container       = {};
        container.day       = Element.select(el, '.dob-day input')[0];
        container.month     = Element.select(el, '.dob-month input')[0];
        container.year      = Element.select(el, '.dob-year input')[0];
        container.full      = Element.select(el, '.dob-full input')[0];
        container.advice    = Element.select(el, '.validation-advice')[0];

        new Varien.DateElement('container', container, required, format);
    validate: function() {
        var error = false;
       console.log("validate called"); //I will never be called

So is there a better way to add a validation then to place it in Varien.DateElement ?

3 Answers 3


Please check out this excellent post on creating a custom validation. Adding a second type of validation is cleaner as it doesn't require you to edit existing code.

In your case it would be something like

Validation.add('validate-dob-18','You are not 18',function(value){
   calculate nr of years
   if(years > 18)
      return true;
   return false;

I would suggest also adding PHP validation as Javascript validation as anything but secure.

Also, to work more easily with dates and times check out momentjs.

  • Thx for the link. As BOD are 3 fields together I'm not yet sure how to use this on this "combo" fields.
    – nbar
    Commented Oct 7, 2013 at 13:23
  • as far as I know the DOB field values are set in a hidden input dob-full and that's actually what's validated. with the class given to the 3 inputs. Otherwise, a less nicer option, would be to retrieve the 3 values from the validation function hardcoded Commented Oct 7, 2013 at 13:30
  • I try the method in the link again. But still have no luck get it working. What I have done: in the dob.phtml there is a div with id "dob-full". I added class="validate-dob" to the inputfield in this div. Then I added this JS: Validation.add('validate-dob','test',function(the_field_value){ if(the_field_value == 'test'){ return true;} return false;}); But this dont work at all. Any idea?
    – nbar
    Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 8:55
  • Isn't validate-dob an already existing check? I would use a unique name that doesn't exist yet Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 9:27
  • no it's not. And the name isn't the problem anyway. I tried also validate-alpha (only letters) and it passed the validation too. I think a problem is, that the dob-full is not filled until DateElement gets validated. I could validate the single items (year, month, day) but then I get the error message at the wrong place. Any ideas left?
    – nbar
    Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 9:40

What I have so far is a own validate rule validate-dob. Then I add validate-dob as a class to the day/month/year inputfields. As errortext I give a single space ' ' and fill the real errormessage in the field: jQuery(".customer-dob > .validation-advice") (that's the errorfield for the hidden dob-full field).

Validation.add('validate-dob',' ',function(field_value){
        var today = new Date();
        var dateLegal = new Date(today.getFullYear() - 18, today.getMonth(), today.getDate() );
        var test = new Date(jQuery(".dob-year input").val(), jQuery(".dob-month input").val()-1, jQuery(".dob-day input").val());
        if (test.valueOf() > dateLegal.valueOf() && test.getFullYear() <= today.getFullYear()) { //falls test grösser also Heute - 18j. UND Testjahr nicht grösser als aktuelles Jahr (weil diese überprüfung findet in js.js statt)
            var dob_error = '<?php echo $this->__('Die Zustellung von Wein und Spirituosen kann gemäss geltendem Recht nur an Personen über 18 Jahren erfolgen.'); ?>';
            jQuery(".customer-dob > .validation-advice").html(dob_error);
            jQuery(".customer-dob > .validation-advice").show();
            console.log("return false");
            return false;
        return true;

I'm not that happy with it, cause it says the single fields (day, month, year) are wrong, even if they are not. At least it works and I dont have to overwrite core files.


add this javascript class:

Varien.DOB18 = Class.create();
Varien.DOB18.prototype = {
    initialize: function(selector, required, format) {
        var el = $$(selector)[0];
        var container       = {};
        container.day       = Element.select(el, '.dob-day input')[0];
        container.month     = Element.select(el, '.dob-month input')[0];
        container.year      = Element.select(el, '.dob-year input')[0];
        container.full      = Element.select(el, '.dob-full input')[0];
        container.advice    = Element.select(el, '.validation-advice')[0];

        var minDate = new Date('1/1/1900');
        var maxDate = new Date();
        maxDate.setYear(maxDate.getYear() - 18);
        new Varien.dateRangeDate('container', container, required, format).setDateRange(minDate, maxDate);

minDate is necessary to overcome Varien bug...

  • Thanks for the share. I tried your snippet and it works well, except, you need to call maxDate.getFullYear() method instead of maxDate.getYear()
    – Sony
    Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 12:55
  • so many extensions provider selling for age verification you can try and test demo Commented Jun 2, 2021 at 10:47

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