Is there any issue if I am using Magento RWD theme as it for my shopping website


1 Answer 1


There have no issue with use of RWD theme .You can use magento rwd theme

it is very good to use rwd theme of latest magento ce version

Because of

  • It is made by magento itself
  • Have follow magento coding standard
  • Design is responsive


As Sander say, As Magento RWD is follow osl3 license agreement.So there are no legal issue with this

  • I just want to confirm there is any LEGAL action against us If i am using Madison Island as it is for my Shopping Website Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 4:23
  • 2
    @AzmatUlhaq no there is not, it's published under OSL3 which allows you to use it. Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 8:37

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