Is there any issue if I am using Magento RWD theme as it for my shopping website
1 Answer
There have no issue with use of RWD theme .You can use magento rwd theme
it is very good to use rwd theme of latest magento ce version
Because of
It is made by magento itself
Have follow magento coding standard
Design is responsive
As Sander say, As Magento RWD is follow osl3 license agreement
.So there are no legal issue with this
I just want to confirm there is any LEGAL action against us If i am using Madison Island as it is for my Shopping Website Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 4:23
2@AzmatUlhaq no there is not, it's published under OSL3 which allows you to use it. Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 8:37