I am trying to access the admin area of my magento installation after deleting my custom extension. I have removed all the files for my extension. I have also removed all database entries for it. Including core_config and core_resource. I have removed the etc/modules extension file.

However I still get this error when trying to log in to admin area.

Warning: include(Cti/Enhancedform/Helper/Data.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory  in /vagrant/httpdocs/lib/Varien/Autoload.php on line 94

Any help is appreciated. I am trying to simulate the extension being installed from scratch.


1 Answer 1


Something is still referencing this extension:

  • Template code manually calling Mage::helper('enhancedform') or simliar
  • A portion of the module used in admin translation for the admin panel that is left behind. Maybe you missed the admin module code in app/design/adminhtml?

Hope that helps!


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