I am trying to get data from a custom table which I have added to the database. But when I call data from it I do not get anything from that table. My page displays data I had previously requested, from an alternate custom table, but the additional data I require is not showing.
Looking in var/log/exception.log I see a message which includes
Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'prefcentreOptions.prefcentreoptions_id' in 'where clause''
from this message I assumed there was a problem with my config.xml (but I can't see one) as you can see from my config my additional table is called prefcentre, I pull data from here successfully, it is prefcentreOptions that I am having trouble with
<table>prefcentreOptions</table>//not showing
I then took a look at my models (I have commented what my understanding of each file does, I would appreciate it someone could please correct if i'm wrong - which i'm sure i am)
class Ps_Prefs_Model_Prefsemail
extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
public function _construct()
{ //initalises the model _init('module/modelname', 'targetedColumn')
$this->_init('prefs/prefsemail', 'prefcentreoptions_id');
class Ps_Prefs_Model_Resource_Prefsemail
extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
protected function _construct()
{ //initalises the resource _init('module/modelname', 'targetedColumn')
$this->_init('prefs/prefsemail', 'prefcentreoptions_id');
class Ps_Prefs_Model_Resource_Prefsemail_Collection
extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract
protected function _construct()
{ ////initalises the collection _init('module/tablename')
In my database there is a table called prefcentreOptions with a column called prefcentreOptions_id which contradicts the exception I have recieved
So far I have not really considered what each one of these files does, apart from the very basic comments which I have added any further explination of above files and assistance as to why my module is not working will be very helpful