I have a module that adds a new menu in the backend. I have the acls defined and they work:

                <module translate="title" module="module">
                        <sub_a translate="title">
                            <title>sub 1</title>

This works. I also add custom menu options using PHP, depending on conditions (at the location of the dots). If I add acls for them too, this also works.

But I don't need all this acls! Is there a way to allow all the children of module? The XML should look something like this:

                <module translate="title" module="module">

But all the children should be allowed!

So instead of many checkboxes for the permission configuration, I want a single checkbox.

If I use the second xml, only the topmost menu option is visible in the backend and the whole submenu is hidden.

How can I keep the submenu visible without creating a acl rule for every menu option?

1 Answer 1


If you look at how the admin menu is built in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu, you will notice, that the full menu path is only used as ACL resource, if the menu item does not have a resource specified:

protected function _buildMenuArray(Varien_Simplexml_Element $parent=null, $path='', $level=0)
    foreach ($parent->children() as $childName => $child) {
        $aclResource = 'admin/' . ($child->resource ? (string)$child->resource : $path . $childName);
        if (!$this->_checkAcl($aclResource) || !$this->_isEnabledModuleOutput($child)) {
    return $parentArr;

So, you can create your menu like this:

            <sub_a translate="title" module="module">
            <sub_b translate="title" module="module">

Then use the ACL exactly as you described it.

  • Good Jobs @fschmengler
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 19:06

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