I have a problem when in edit catalog, product and save it. My website will reindex, that do my website run very slow. I want to disable reindex after save catalog,product

But when i created new catalog, product other. Website will reindex again


1 Answer 1


You can go to System->index management and change your indexes mode to 'manual' instead of on save.
Do your changes in the catalog and then rebuild the indexes manually.
But this will disable the index on any action you take. Add or edit.
There is no (fast) way of disabling the "on save" index only for editing products.

  • I have change mode to manual. But when i click reindex, my system is down Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 6:36
  • don't reindex from the backend. Use the command line.
    – Marius
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 6:38

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