I am trying to find out if the condition that I am going to set in the price rule already exists or not. I tried to check if it is valid or not but couldn't find the correct function I think.

            echo "<br> Already exists<br>";
            $foundamatch = true;

             $item_found = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule_condition_product_found')
        ->setValue(1) // 1 == FOUND
        ->setAggregator('any'); // match ANY conditions
             $skuCondition = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule_condition_product')

Did not work, it always creates the same conditions over and over again when ever I run the script.

How can I check this?

1 Answer 1


I found a way t odo so. See the code below (It works like a charm!):

        $foundamatch = false;
        $unserializedConditions = unserialize($voucherRule->getData('conditions_serialized'));

        foreach($unserializedConditions['conditions'] as $conditions){
            foreach($conditions['conditions'] as $subcond){
                if($subcond['value'] == $sku)
                    echo "<br>Product SKU condition already Exists!<br>";
                    $foundamatch = true;
    catch (Exception $e) {
  • Feel free to accept your own anser so that the question does not count as unanswered anymore Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 7:34

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