I want to deploy the Magento Core Files (Magento CE through modman. However, when the file app/Mage.php is symlinked, the Magento Shop returns the install page.
When i restore the original file for app/Mage.php
, everything works again.
First, I supposed the file permissions for the symlinked file are not correct:
File: app/Mage.php
- Symlinked: 777
- Original: 664
However, it is impossible to change the file permission of a symlink. In Magento Backend, the setting "dev/template/allow_symlink" is true.
The file app/Mage.php
defines an incorrect magento root folder, when it is located for example at magento_root/.modman/Magento_Core/app/Mage.php
and symlinked into magento_root/app/Mage.php
. I could reproduce this with a magento vanilla installation.
Does anybody have an idea to overcome this issue?
define('BP', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
unfortunately defines the magento root in the modman folder instead of the original magento root.