Im try to make a Magento Admin area module but have got stuck with a link issue.
So far I have my required option in the menu bar but my problem comes when I click the link, I get a 404 error, I expected a grid. I am following a tutorial from excellencemagentoblog.
I understand that the action node within the children node of the tree is the link and I have followed my file path to create what I expected would be the correct link, but that failes and I cannot work out why?
My code is
<menu><!--action node, URL of admin controller-->
<employee module="employee">
<items module="employee"><!--adds menu item-->
<title>Manage Employees</title>
<title>Allow Everthing</title>
<title>Employee Module</title>
class Excellence_Employee_Adminhtml_EmployeeController
extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
I have tried logging out and back in again, but I still get the 404. What have i do wrong?
When I click the link the address is
I have added an image of my file structure, looking at the address bar, my understanding of how files are accessed says it should work (i obviously misunderstand something)
I have cache disabled
My config.xml is as follows
in the question. Also...small tip: renameadminHtml.xml
. You will have problems if you don't on other OS.