I want all bundle product price should be like: 55.225 including sales or order pages in admin panel

1 Answer 1


From my understanding, you would need to take a close look at lib/Zend/Currency.php

Further investigating you would need to adjust the precision to 3 instead of 2:


This thread has more details on implementing such as well, it looks as though Magento also does some price formatting else where also:



return number_format($value, 3, null, '');

I know its not a definitive answer but hopefully leads you in the right direction.


  • 1
    Ensure that you don't overwrite the core file but extend the class if you're going to do it programatically.
    – Joshua
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 6:35
  • Thanks For Your Answer Adarsh khatri But for catalog products i have already done it and this is my bolg post link can you pls describe the all steps for bundle products: developersushant.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/… Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 7:49

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