I have edit page of some entity with tab with grid and serializer. So, above checkboxes we can see the dropdown which is responsible of list of chosen elements or non-chosen element or show all of ones. It doesn't work from me. When I press Yes/No and Search it doesn't affect getting items on ajax request.

Add column:

        'type'       => 'checkbox',
        'index'      => 'country_id',
        'align'      => 'center',
        'name'       => 'selected_countries',
        'field_name' => 'selected_countries',
        'values'     => $this->getSelectedItems(),

layout update:

<reference name="left">
    <block type="restrictshipping/adminhtml_rule_edit_tabs"
        <block type="restrictshipping/adminhtml_rule_edit_tab_countriesList"
        <action method="addTab" >

            <block type="adminhtml/widget_grid_serializer" name="related_grid_serializer">
                <action method="initSerializerBlock">
                <action method="setFormId">

Also it doesn't send selected items IDs.

And there is a strange behavior:

public function getCondition()
    if ($this->getValue()) {
        return $this->getColumn()->getValue();
    else {
        return array(
            array('is'=>new Zend_Db_Expr('NULL'))
    //return array('like'=>'%'.$this->getValue().'%');

because Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Grid.php:470

I believe it must use in if value === 1 and nin if value === 0 and not use any filter when value === ''. I don't understand how it can work...

1 Answer 1


Seem, I found an answer, but it doesn't show that Magento works from the box with it... (in the example "regions" entities not countries as in answer)

Add checkbox column:

 * Add columns to grid
 * @return $this
 * @throws Exception
protected function _prepareColumns()
            'type'       => 'checkbox',
            'align'      => 'center',
            'index'      => 'region_id',
            'field_name' => 'selected_regions',
            'values'     => $this->getSelectedItems(),
    //other your code...

Catching selected rows (in grid tab class):

 * Set selected items to collection
 * This method needed to make proper working checkbox filtering
 * 'cause it does not work from the box.
 * @param array $data
 * @return $this
protected function _setFilterValues($data)
    if (isset($data['selected_filter'])) {
        $condition = null;
        if (1 === (int)$data['selected_filter']) {
            $condition = 'in';
        } elseif (0 === (int)$data['selected_filter']) {
            $condition = 'nin';
        if ($condition) {
            /** @var $column Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Filter_Checkbox */
            $column = $this->getColumn('selected_filter');
                    $condition => $column->getValues()
    if ($data) {
    return $this;

Get selected items implementation (in grid tab class):

 * Get selected regions IDs
 * @return array
public function getSelectedItems()
    if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
        //get from request on ajax update
        return (array)$this->getRequest()->getParam('selected_regions');

    //here your logic to get IDs from database
    return array(1, 2, 3, 4); //example data

Adding serializer into a layout update file (added to "left" block):

<!--Serializer for the regions grid-->
<block type="adminhtml/widget_grid_serializer" name="related_grid_serializer">
    <action method="initSerializerBlock">
        <!--Grid block name in layout-->
        <!--Callback of grid block-->
        <!--Param name to send to save, 
            you will get it from $_POST['countries']['regions']
            (it means from request object by the same path)-->
        <!--Param name of checkboxes, 
            it's needed to for ajax requests 
            and proper work of yes/no/any dropdown-->

    <!--Add serializer setting form ID if it wasn't rendered within the form-->
    <action method="setFormId">

So, we need to add a bit self code... Please notify me if there is a native approach exists.

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