I'm making a new page controller in my store, but the current configuration does not load the new block on the page. What is the probable error? And yes, I cleared the cache, and are disabled. The referent of my config.xml code is:
<Use>standard </use>
<Module>ITEP_Incomm </module>
<Class>ITEP_Incomm_Block </class>
Ok ... now the controller code (IndexController.php):
ITEP_Incomm_IndexController class extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {
indexAction public function () { $This->loadLayout()->getLayout()->getBlock(root)->setTemplate('page/1column.phtml');
$ This-> renderLayout ();
The block.php code:
ITEP_Incomm_Block class extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
And the call in my file the theme folder / layout / incommmenu.xml is:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<Block type="InComm/block" name="newreferenceBlock" template="test/example.phtml" />
</ ITEP_Incomm_index_index>
When access localhost:8080/magento/helloworld / my theme carries the top menu and footer, but the content is empty, my block did not load. What's wrong? Thank you.