How can i change the sort order in invoice PDF?

Now i have:

enter image description here

But i want the following:

  • Subtotal
  • Shipping
  • Total

  • TAX 6%

  • TAX 21%
  • Total TAX


2 Answers 2


You can customise the sort order of totals for PDFs in XML. You will need to setup a basic module (and ensure it has dependencies of Mage_Sales and Mage_Tax), then add the following code the config.xml of your module:

Note: I have left the default ordering as is below, you can customise to your needs.


Looking at the code found in Mage\Sales\Model\Order\Pdf\Abstract.php around line 547 (Magento 1.8.1) you should see:

$totals = Mage::getConfig()->getNode('global/pdf/totals')->asArray();

That means a element should exist after . The config file should be:


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