I have two attribute sets say
The configurable product options are
They have one thing in common.
How to display only the available sizes for each configurable product if available? So far I tried..
<div class='divider'>
<?php /*?> <?php $cProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId());
//check if product is a configurable type or not
if ($cProduct->getData('type_id') == "configurable")
//get the configurable data from the product
$config = $cProduct->getTypeInstance(true);
//loop through the attributes
foreach($config->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($cProduct) as $attributes)
echo count($attributes["values"])." availables";
<div class="super_attribute[<?php echo attributes['attribute_id'] ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $attributes['attribute_id'] ?>">
foreach($attributes["values"] as $values)
echo $values["label"];
}?><?php */?>
?> </div>
My output was
I need to fetch only the available sizes.. Need a solution...