I have this weird situation with displaying products in Magento. I have a file called cataloq.xml loclated in my theme folder called layout and I have the code bellow inside catalog_product_view tag:

        <reference name="root">
        <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/lp_view_page.phtml</template></action>

When I visit my home/index page and click on the product it is displayed in lp_view_page.phtml template file, which is ok. But when I try to open this same product from category list/grid view, Magento doesn't use lp_view_page.phtml template, it use template page for listening category products in list/grid view (lp_laptopi_list.phtml).

Any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


I found the solution. Bellow code should be insered into category -> custom design (field: Custom Layout Update)

        <reference name="root">
        <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/lp_view_page.phtml</template></action>

and option apply to all product should be to "no"!

good luck! :)

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