I am having an issue with rewriting the Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage block.
The issue is that after enabling this rewrite in the config, the one page checkout page doesn't load with any content. I have found that the Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage block is never loaded.
I have the following in my config.xml
I then have the following class created in
class Name_Module_Checkout_Block_Onepage extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage {
I then override the getSteps method to see if its getting called, but it never gets called.
public function getSteps()
I also created a new template file in the following location. Which is just a copy of the original onepage.phtml for now.
What is odd is that I can put a random name in the config.xml for the rewrite class and it never throws an error saying it can't find the class.
The same issue as described here Override Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage with an extension
I looked through this question, but it didn't really have a solution. I tried everything that it said.
Any ideas would be very helpful. I must be missing something somewhere.