I'm using Magento and i'm working on new custom magento extension.

Let me show you the files i think it is important to be shown for my question.

This is what i have in: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/etc/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <title>Allow Everything</title>
                                        <title>Vivas - All</title>
                        <VivasIndustries_SmsNotification before="Mage_Adminhtml">VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Adminhtml</VivasIndustries_SmsNotification>

Here is what i have in: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Block/Adminhtml/Sales/Status/Grid.php:


class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Block_Adminhtml_Sales_Status_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    public function __construct()

protected function _prepareCollection()
      $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('smsnotification/smsnotification_collection');
      return parent::_prepareCollection();

protected function _prepareColumns()
      $this->addColumn('id', array(
          'header'    => Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('ID'),
          'align'     =>'right',
          'width'     => '50px',
          'index'     => 'id',

      $this->addColumn('Name', array(
          'header'    => Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('Name'),
          'align'     =>'left',
          'index'     => 'Name',

      return parent::_prepareColumns();

        public function getGridUrl()
            return $this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=>true));

I have custom table named VivasIndustries_SmsNotification and here is the structure of that table:

enter image description here

I want this data to be displayed in the grid table, but i receive the following error so far:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getReadConnection() on a non-object in /public_html/store/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource/Db/Collection/Abstract.php on line 134

Let me show what i have in some other files which i think can be important for this error.

I have in: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/SmsNotification.php:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification extends extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
    public function _construct()


Here is what i have in: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/Resource/Smsnotification.php:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource_Smsnotification extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
     * Initialize resource model
     * @return void
    public function _construct()

Here is what i have in: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/Resource/Smsnotification/Collection.php:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource_Smsnotification_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract{
    protected function _constuct(){

Can you please help me out resolve this error? I simply want to display the data from VivasIndustries_SmsNotification in a grid table in a page created by me in the Admin panel.

Thanks in advance!

  • I don't know if this is the cause of your error or not, but you have a typo: /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/Resource/Smsnotification/Collection.php: class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource_Smsnotification_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract{ protected function _constuct(){ should be _construct Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 23:48
  • Maybe it was because now i got another error: Fatal error: Class 'VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification' not found in /home/superweb/public_html/store/lib/Varien/Data/Collection.php on line 562 Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:03

1 Answer 1


Your problem is probably here:

I have in:     /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/SmsNotification.php:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification extends extends     Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

You have a case error and a typo. You have two "extends" and based on your directory structure your class should read:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_SmsNotification extends     Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
  • I've done the changes but i still have: Fatal error: Class 'VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification' not found in /home/superweb/public_html/store/lib/Varien/Data/Collection.php on line 562 Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:12
  • Can you update your question with what you have in /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Model/SmsNotification.php after the change? Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:30
  • Thank you so much Sean, most updated version of the problem you can find here: magento.stackexchange.com/questions/54923/… Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:36
  • It seems i've cleared the errors but there is no data displayed either.. Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 0:37

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