I'm using Magento!

Right now i am working on a custom magento extension. I want to display data from a custom MySQL table to my custom page in HTML grid table.

Here is a screen shot of the grid table that i've created in my admin panel:

enter image description here

Here are all files which i've created to achieve this.

In my /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/etc/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <title>Allow Everything</title>
                                        <title>Vivas - All</title>
                        <VivasIndustries_SmsNotification before="Mage_Adminhtml">VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Adminhtml</VivasIndustries_SmsNotification>

In my /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/etc/adminhtml.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <vivassms translate="title" module="smsnotification">
            <title>SMS Center</title>

                <smsorderstatuses translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                    <title>SMS on Order Statuses</title>
                <about translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                            <sendsms translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                                <title>Send SMS</title>
                                    <smsprofile translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                                        <title>Edit user account</title>
                            <smsorderstatuses translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                                <title>SMS on Order Statuses</title>
                            <about translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                                    <vivassms translate="title" module="smsnotification">
                                        <title>Vivas SMS</title>

In my /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Block/Adminhtml/Sales/Status.php:


class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Block_Adminhtml_Sales_Status extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container
    public function __construct()
        $this->_blockGroup = 'smsnotification';
        $this->_controller = 'adminhtml_sales_status';
        $this->_headerText = Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('Send SMS on Order Status Changes');


In my /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/Block/Adminhtml/Sales/Status/Grid.php:


class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Block_Adminhtml_Sales_Status_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    public function __construct()

    protected function _prepareCollection()
        $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection')
            ->join(array('a' => 'sales/order_address'), 'main_table.entity_id = a.parent_id AND a.address_type != \'billing\'', array(
                'city'       => 'city',
                'country_id' => 'country_id'
            ->join(array('c' => 'customer/customer_group'), 'main_table.customer_group_id = c.customer_group_id', array(
                'customer_group_code' => 'customer_group_code'
                'CONCAT({{customer_firstname}}, \' \', {{customer_lastname}})',
                array('customer_firstname' => 'main_table.customer_firstname', 'customer_lastname' => 'main_table.customer_lastname'))
                '(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(\' \', x.name)
                    FROM sales_flat_order_item x
                    WHERE {{entity_id}} = x.order_id
                        AND x.product_type != \'configurable\')',
                array('entity_id' => 'main_table.entity_id')

        return $this;

    protected function _prepareColumns()
        $helper = Mage::helper('smsnotification');
        $currency = (string) Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Directory_Model_Currency::XML_PATH_CURRENCY_BASE);

        $this->addColumn('increment_id', array(
            'header' => $helper->__('Order #'),
            'index'  => 'increment_id'

        $this->addColumn('purchased_on', array(
            'header' => $helper->__('Purchased On'),
            'type'   => 'datetime',
            'index'  => 'created_at'

        $this->addColumn('products', array(
            'header'       => $helper->__('Products Purchased'),
            'index'        => 'products',
            'filter_index' => '(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(\' \', x.name) FROM sales_flat_order_item x WHERE main_table.entity_id = x.order_id AND x.product_type != \'configurable\')'

        $this->addColumn('fullname', array(
            'header'       => $helper->__('Name'),
            'index'        => 'fullname',
            'filter_index' => 'CONCAT(customer_firstname, \' \', customer_lastname)'

        $this->addColumn('city', array(
            'header' => $helper->__('City'),
            'index'  => 'city'

        $this->addColumn('country', array(
            'header'   => $helper->__('Country'),
            'index'    => 'country_id',
            'renderer' => 'adminhtml/widget_grid_column_renderer_country'

        $this->addColumn('customer_group', array(
            'header' => $helper->__('Customer Group'),
            'index'  => 'customer_group_code'

        $this->addColumn('grand_total', array(
            'header'        => $helper->__('Grand Total'),
            'index'         => 'grand_total',
            'type'          => 'currency',
            'currency_code' => $currency

        $this->addColumn('shipping_method', array(
            'header' => $helper->__('Shipping Method'),
            'index'  => 'shipping_description'

        $this->addColumn('order_status', array(
            'header'  => $helper->__('Status'),
            'index'   => 'status',
            'type'    => 'options',
            'options' => Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_config')->getStatuses(),

        $this->addExportType('*/*/exportInchooCsv', $helper->__('CSV'));
        $this->addExportType('*/*/exportInchooExcel', $helper->__('Excel XML'));

        return parent::_prepareColumns();

    public function getGridUrl()
        return $this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=>true));

In my /app/code/community/VivasIndustries/SmsNotification/controllers/Adminhtml/SmsorderstatusesController.php:


class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Adminhtml_SmsorderstatusesController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()
        $this->_title($this->__('Sales'))->_title($this->__('SMS Center'));

    public function gridAction()

    public function exportInchooCsvAction()
        $fileName = 'orders_inchoo.csv';
        $grid = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('smsnotification/adminhtml_sales_status_grid');
        $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($fileName, $grid->getCsvFile());

    public function exportInchooExcelAction()
        $fileName = 'orders_inchoo.xml';
        $grid = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('smsnotification/adminhtml_sales_status_grid');
        $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($fileName, $grid->getExcelFile($fileName));

So the deal comes here!!

I want not to show this data like it is described in this guide: http://inchoo.net/magento/how-to-create-a-custom-grid-from-scratch/ but to display the data from my custom table VivasIndustries_SmsNotification.

Let me show you the structure and the data i want to show in the grid table:

enter image description here

So at final, there are two problem which i don't know how to handle!

  1. How i can display this data in the grid table?
  2. How can i create a button to be clicked and then in new opened page you'll be able to place data which will be inserted in VivasIndustries_SmsNotification? I know that there can be a lot of work to be covered question 2 so it is more important to resolve the first one.

Thanks in advance!

  • what you want to show data from only this table?
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:15
  • Yes that's it!! Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:15

2 Answers 2


The lex.you need to create a model using a custom module.

Step: You have define model class and resource type but not define resource Class

            <class>VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model</class> <!-- model prefix class -->
<!-- model resource type -->


So you need to add resource class which is interact the model with database.

            <table>VivasIndustries_SmsNotification</table> <!-- VivasIndustries_SmsNotification is Your db tabale -->

VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource VivasIndustries_SmsNotification

you need to define class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification

code is

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Smsnotification extends extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
    public function _construct()


Resource class model class:

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource_Smsnotification extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
     * Initialize resource model
     * @return void
    public function _construct()

Resource Collection model

class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model_Resource_Smsnotification_Collection 
extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract{
    protected function _constuct(){

[Please study at how create model][1]

Now you get a collection mode.

Now on preapareCollection

you need change code:

$collection =Mage::getResourceModel('smsnotification/smsnotification_collection);

You grid code is:


class VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Block_Adminhtml_Smsnotification_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid

        public function __construct()

        protected function _prepareCollection()
                $collection = Mage::getModel("smsnotification/smsnotification")->getCollection();
                return parent::_prepareCollection();
        protected function _prepareColumns()
                $this->addColumn("id", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("smsnotification")->__("ID"),
                "align" =>"right",
                "width" => "50px",
                "type" => "number",
                "index" => "id",

                $this->addColumn("receiver", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("smsnotification")->__("Receiver"),
                "index" => "receiver",
                $this->addColumn("phone", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("smsnotification")->__("Phome"),
                "index" => "phone",
                    $this->addColumn('date', array(
                        'header'    => Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('Data'),
                        'index'     => 'date',
                        'type'      => 'datetime',
            $this->addExportType('*/*/exportCsv', Mage::helper('sales')->__('CSV')); 
            $this->addExportType('*/*/exportExcel', Mage::helper('sales')->__('Excel'));

                return parent::_prepareColumns();

        public function getRowUrl($row)
               return $this->getUrl("*/*/edit", array("id" => $row->getId()));

        protected function _prepareMassaction()
            $this->getMassactionBlock()->addItem('remove_smsnotification', array(
                     'label'=> Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('Remove Smsnotification'),
                     'url'  => $this->getUrl('*/adminhtml_smsnotification/massRemove'),
                     'confirm' => Mage::helper('smsnotification')->__('Are you sure?')
            return $this;


Update code at config.xml

            <class>VivasIndustries_SmsNotification_Model</class> <!-- model prefix class -->
<!-- model resource type -->

            <table>VivasIndustries_SmsNotification</table> <!-- VivasIndustries_SmsNotification is Your db tabale -->

  [1]: http://www.amitbera.com/create-an-magento-extension-with-custom-database-table/
  • I'll do that but please tell me what i have to change in Grid.php so it will display the data properly. How the Grid.php must look like? Thanks in advance! Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:35
  • I've done the changes in the config.xml and edited my question with the update file. Please check it out and tell me if i done it right. Thanks in advance! Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:38
  • you need to add resouce claas .wait i will give you full solution.
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:41
  • Thanks but please tell me also what i have to change in the Grid.php file. Can wait to see you answer mate! Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 18:55
  • Do i have to add <connection><use>core_read</use</connection> in my config like it is described in your guide? Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 19:03

i want to see all tables and their data in Magento. How can I do that. As the menu is generated through code and code get the data from tables to populate the menu. Ther is some problem and i need to rectify that. But I don't know how to see the data inside the table. Help me out thx.

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