Does anybody know of a comprehensive list of Magento Core's routes? I'm sure I could create a pretty accurate list by parsing the controller files for Action methods, I'm just wondering if anybody knows of a list that has already been compiled, or a tool for doing so (a tool would be nice as I could potentially use it against community modules).
On a related note, is there any simple way to issue 404's for core routes that you don't wish to function? For example, if I wish to disable the ability to use the catalogsearch/advanced is there any simple way of doing so?
Some options spring to mind, but I'm not sure if any of them are ideal:
- I could create my own CatalogSearch_Advanced controller that overrides the action(s) and throws a 404. This would work OK, but depending on which actions I wished to disable could require multiple overloads.
- I could create my own Router that just matches the values I don't want and throws the 404. I'm not familiar enough with the Magento Routers to know for sure, but I assume I can get this to load early enough in the Router stack.
Am I missing something?