In one magento installation I have multiple websites, stores and storeviews.
Storeviews are used for internationalisation (i.e. NL, DE, EN etc)
Most of our productranges are available in one, maximum two B2C websites/stores.
Part of this Magento installation is one B2B (resellers) website/store (with two storeviews, one NL, one EN) where all products are listed.
Pricing in this store is hidden using sitewards/b2bprofessional, but guests (not-logged-in) are able to browse the complete catalog.
On the product pages I'd like to show not-logged-in users a link to the other website(s)/storeview(s) (just those storeviews in their language of course) in this same magento installation where they as a B2C customer should/could buy.
I've got the easy part ("if(! Mage::helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()){};") covered ;)
Now for the hard part: How to query Magento for the correct URL(s) of the other storeviews this product is available in?