I am doing a task of adding filterable attributes and their options to the category navigation menu.for this i got Marius article.Thanks to Marius.Now everything is done except i need one more attribute as By Category which will have the sub-category of the parent Category.
for example.
- Feature Phones
- Smart Phones
till now my work results following result
- Feature Phone
- Smart Phone
- By Brand
- Apple
- Nokia
- Samsung
- LG
- By Operating System
- Android
- Windows
- Linux
What i need is
- By Category
- Feature Phone
- Sub Category 1(if any)
- Sub Category 2(if any)
- Smart Phone
- By Brand
- Apple
- Nokia
- Samsung
- LG
- By Operating System
- Android
- Windows
- Linux
My code is
public function addAttributes($observer){
$menu = $observer->getMenu();
$tree = $menu->getTree();
foreach($menu->getChildren() as $child){
$nodeId = $child->getId();
if(substr($nodeId, 0,strlen('category-node-')) == 'category-node-'){
$id = str_replace('category-node-', '', $nodeId);
$mainUrl = $child->getUrl();
//echo $mainUrl; exit;
$attributes = $this->getAttributes($id);
foreach($attributes as $attribute){
//echo $attribute->getAttributeCode();
$cat_options = array();
if($attribute->getAttributeCode() =='mobile_bycategory'){
$children = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($id);
$i = 0;
foreach($children as $category){
$cat_options[$i]['value'] = $category->getId();
$cat_options[$i]['label'] = $category->getName();
$cat_options[$i]['url'] = $category->getRequestPath();
//echo '<pre>'; print_r($options); exit;
if($attribute->getAttributeCode() =='mobile_bycategory'){
$options = $cat_options;
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions();
//echo '<pre>'; print_r($options); exit;
if (count($options) > 0) {
$attrNodeId = 'attribute-'.$id.'-'.$attribute->getId();
$data = array(
'name' => Mage::helper('neo_topnav')->__('By %s', $attribute->getFrontendLabel()),
'id' => $attrNodeId,
'url' => '#',
'is_active' => false
$attrNode = new Varien_Data_Tree_Node($data, 'id', $tree, $menu);
//for each option add a new sub menu
foreach ($options as $option) {
if ($option['value']) {
$optionNodeId = 'attribute-'.$id.'-'.$attribute->getId().'-'.$option['value'];
$base_url = Mage::getBaseUrl();
if($attribute->getAttributeCode() =='mobile_bycategory'){ $final_url = $base_url.$option['url']; } else { $final_url = $mainUrl.'?'.$attribute->getAttributeCode().'='.$option['value']; }
$data = array(
'name' => $option['label'],
'id' => $optionNodeId,
'url' => $final_url,
'is_active' => false
$optionNode = new Varien_Data_Tree_Node($data, 'id', $tree, $menu);
I had succefully done until
- By Category
- Feature Phone
- Smart Phone
I was stock on the Sub catogry of Subcatogy (if any)
- By Category
- Feature Phone
- Sub Category 1(if any)
- Sub Category 2(if any)
- Smart Phone
Please Help Me.